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The Future of Women in Agile Panel

This virtual panel discussion (organized by AgileTD and Agile Alliance) is again moderated by these two inspiring Canadians - Ellen Grove and Janet Gregory.

In this panel they focus on the future of Women in Agile in different parts of the world.

Together with their magnificent panelists and thought leaders Johanna Rothman (USA), Alex Schladebeck (Germany), Faiza Yousuf (Pakistan) and Claudia Badell (Uruguay) they talk about the forms and the evolution of Agile practices and adaptation in different cultures. They share their ways of getting into their current positions, talk about their individual backgrounds and related challenges, and what drives them to do the numerous awesome things they all do for their mutual community non-stop.

Watch the panelists examine how the role of women in Agile differs in various cultures, how it established itself over time, which challenges or boundaries for women were overcome and which do still persist, and what impact their work will continue to have on society.


If you prefer listening to the podcast version of this panel, tune in below:



Janet Gregory wrote a wonderful blog post about this inspiring panel. Find it here:


Learn more about Agile Testing Days and the Agile Alliance by visiting these links:

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