The Call for Papers for AgileTDUSA 2023 is closed! Thank you to everyone that has been sending their talks and workshops in for AgileTDUSA 2023! We have received so many amazing proposals. We are overwhelmed by your passion to support us during the sessions.

Our program chairs Nancy Gariché, Vernon Richards, Tariq King, Janet Gregory, and Dee Anne Pizzica are currently hard working on reviewing all papers and creating the agenda for AgileTDUSA 2023 based on all the great submissions. After the review, we will notify all authors if their submissions have been accepted or denied. Good luck to all & wait for news!
The next Agile Testing Days USA will take place May 22-24, 2023, and will be hosted in the Hilton Oak Brook Hills Resort & Conference Center.
SAVE THE DATE as the registration will open very soon!
More information about AgileTD USA: