The Agile Testing Days present to you the upcoming "Agile Testing After Work" meetup in the beautiful city of Hamburg. Get together for a lush evening where you'll be able to meet agile software testing experts Ada Pohl, Udita Sharma, Zhanat Mambetbayeva and Pierre Baum. The gathering is held in the MOIA office at the Stadthausbrücke.
This meetup is sponsored by MOIA, who are offering their office, snacks, drinks and a great atmosphere ☺️.
16:30 Entrance and welcome
17:00 Kick-Off & MOIA introduction
17:15 Talk Ada Pohl "Feedback Fiesta - Turning Colleagues into Customers for Specialized Testing!"
18:00 Break
18:15 Talk Udita Sharma "You can be an explorer too!"
19:00 Break
19:15 Talk Zhanat Mambetbayeva "Writing effective iOS UI tests: Principles, Practices and Pitfalls"
20:00 Break
20:15 Talk Pierre Baum "From Good (process) to Great (Quality)Abstract"
21:00 Networking
22:00 End of event
Stadthausbrücke 8 · Hamburg, HH
More information & free sign up here: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/agile-nights-by-agiletd/events/298050635/