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Agile Testing Principles with Alex Schwartz

Agile Testing Principles - Low, Early, All The Time & All Of Us

Session abstract:

Decision making regarding your (Agile) test strategy can be quite non-trivial. There are some principles that can guide you, that maybe help to make conscious decisions:

1. Low = Imagine you play tetris with your test aspects, every aspect is automated as low as possible with respect to the architecture, building the nice famous testing pyramid.

2. Early = Establish all Quality Assurance aspects and practices early in the progress.

3. All the time = Aim for Continuous Quality to keep the Quality Debt low over time, and to stay all the time close to the desired quality level.

4. All of us = Rather than having a few people that are responsible for testing or Quality, ensure it is everyones responsibility - and increase the test (automation) and QA capabilities in the team by increasing the "T-shape"iness of the team mates.

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This online talk was recorded on February 27, 2017.

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