Before, during, and after the Agile Testing Days, usually many ideas surface and are put into reality, for example, #PowerLearningGroups #BallGownBreakfast, or since AgileTD 2021, the #ATDBookClub. Sam "Der Pesse" Nitsche and Veerle Verhagen took up the initiative and organized the first Agile Testing Days Book Club (ATDBC). The Agile Testing Days book club is a fun way to enjoy books for testers and stay in touch with people met at the Agile Testing Days.
A book club has many benefits starting from reading and discussing a book together to get much more out of it than just reading it by yourself. A book club is also a safe space to ask questions and share experiences or struggles. The Agile Testing Days book club also meets every two weeks albeit virtually via live chats. This gives you time to read and stay motivated. But the biggest advantage is that you can learn together and collaborate for a shared understanding. Every point of view is highly valued and can help to identify new perspectives.
The first book discussed is a book written by Lisa Crispin and Janet Gregory, Agile Testing Condensed. Samuel has already written an amazing post about the first Agile Testing Days book club session and some of his takeaways from chapters 1 & 2. You can read Sam's blog post here.
The Agile Testing Days book club is not an exclusive club. You can join every time you want and get involved as much as your schedule permits. You could also start a new live chat group and read a book of your choice and discuss it with your group. We encourage having multiple live-chat groups that all collaborate asynchronously in the book-club channel.
We have also created a channel in our AgileTD Zone slack workspace dedicated to further sharing opinions and notes. Join the AgileTD Zone on Slack and connect with other book clubbers in the #atd_book_club channel.