This wonderful book was published by legends Janet Gregory and Lisa Crispin in 2019. No Agile Testing Day event can take place without them, they are event interior and bring so much value, compassion, and openness to our events and everyone attending them. It goes without saying that this piece of condensed wisdom is a must-read for everyone involved in Agile Testing. To make it available for various countries, they had it translated into different languages already: Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Now it has also been translated into French by the wonderful Emna Ayadi and Benjamin Butel. Big thanks to all translators who enable our mutual community to learn and read not just in English but in many different languages. According to the authors, further translations are coming soon! To get the English copy and many more details on the book, just go here: agiletester.ca/agile-testing-condensed-a-brief-introduction #AgileTestingCondensed
Find out more about the authors and translators:
Lisa Crispin - Author:
Janet Gregory - Author:
Emna Ayadi - Translator:
Benjamin Butel - Translator: